To update a cause Navigate to Causes > My causes.
Find the cause you would like to update and select "Edit cause" from the menu.
Now you will be on the edit cause page where you can update the following items.
Icon / Logo
Update the icon or change between having an icon or a logo image that you have uploaded.
The translations enable you to edit all of the content fields used for the causes in each language that you support for your store.
The default translation is the default language for your store.
All other languages supported by your store will automatically translate the content of your default language.
Here you can edit these translations.
If your cause can provided calculated impact you can configure that impact here.
Calculated impact works on a simple equation which is $ amount of money raised = a number of impact.
Under "translations" you can setup the content for your impact. The following fields are available to edit your showing your impact in your widgets:
Impact verb - ie. Planting, Saving etc.
Impact individual unit ie. tree
Impact measurement ie. kg, km
Pluralize impact units - this will pluralize the impact unit if there is more than 1 unit of impact.
Impact examples
Impact Verb | Impact | Measurement | Individual unit | Pluralization |
Planting | 2 |
| tree | s |
Recovering | 3 | kgs | of ocean plastic |